Allied London submits plans for Manchester workspace

Allied London Manchester

UK: Allied London is working in partnership with Manchester City Council to redevelop a pair of grade two-listed market halls on Liverpool Road into workspace for tech and digital start-ups.

The developer has submitted plans for Upper and Lower Campfield, which will be transformed with the help of £17.5 million from the government’s Levelling Up Fund.

The proposals feature the conversion of Upper Campfield into a 26,000 square foot digital hub for media and creative businesses, featuring film studios and editing suites, as well as offices.

Meanwhile, Lower Campfield, which previously housed the Air and Space Museum, would be transformed into a 60,000 square foot incubator for tech companies. The scheme would provide low-cost workspace for start-ups.

The scheme will act as an extension of Allied London’s Enterprise City development, which has seen the delivery of the 340,000 square foot Manchester Goods Yard and the 100,000 square foot Media Building, which are both aimed at the digital and tech sectors.

Zerum is the planner and Project 3 is the architect for the scheme.

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