Nottingham PBSA scheme gains momentum

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UK: An application by Maven Property proposing the extension of an existing Nottingham building to provide more than 100 units of student accommodation is expected to get the green light next week.

The proposals are for 16A and 16B Lower Parliament Street. The ground floor of the two-storey building is occupied by two retail units, which also have ancillary use of the basement and first floor.

Proposals involve an upward extension of between one and three storeys, with the ground floor retained as retail use. The upper floors would be occupied by 104 student bed spaces with a mixture of cluster and studio flats. The plans also include communal lounges, a gym, a laundry room and cycle store with two small roof gardens.

Nottingham City Council’s planning committee will review the application on 22 February.

A report for the committee said: “The provision of further good quality PBSA in the city centre is likely to attract students that would otherwise occupy houses of multiple occupation outside of the city centre, freeing up such accommodation for families and assisting in rebalancing communities currently with high concentration of student occupation. The scheme would therefore help to deliver an important element of the council’s housing policy, including the long-term aim to promote high-quality PBSA in the right locations.”

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