Zero carbon student housing project to use hemp as construction material

student hemp
Reading Time: 2 minutes

US: PJET, a technology company focused on student life, has partnered with WaterPure International (WPUR) and Puration, Inc. (PURA) to build carbon neutral student housing.

PURA will participate in the project bringing hemp as construction material and WPUR will supply a solar power solution.

PJET is building its own pilot student housing project in Texas near a college campus to build first-hand experience that can be added to the ongoing development of the company’s SHBO APP. SHBO is designed “to connect communities local to college campuses with students through an app similar to Airbnb and VRBO but specific to the college community. PJET plans to evolve the relationship with the students into a lifelong relationship that extends beyond graduation providing a more socially conscious Amazon alternative”.

PURA has launched its Farmersville Hemp Brand to usher industrial hemp solutions into the market and contribute to the net zero, 2050 global carbon neutrality goal. Part of the Farmersville Hemp Brand strategy is targeted at disrupting the $600 billion global lumber market.

Hemp is a textile and lumber industry disruptor. Hemp fibre is an alternative to cotton and traditional construction lumber that the company says “has many characteristics superior to cotton and traditional lumber before considering the environmental benefits of using hemp”. Hemp grows faster than cotton and hard wood forests, uses less water and absorbs more carbon, says PURA, which adds that hemp can be used in the production of bioplastics and has even been tested for use in supercapacitors which hold the potential to outperform batteries and do so with far less detriment to the environment.

WPUR is a water and electric utilities innovation technology company bringing proprietary technology to make water and electric utilities more efficient, cost effective and carbon neutral. WPUR has partnered extensively with Alternet Systems, Inc. to provide off grid electric vehicle charging solutions. WPUR will implement a solar powered solution for PJET’s student housing project.


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